Emotional support and practical assistance are available for survivors of power-based crimes, including but not limited to sexual assault and violence in relationships.
The Community Based Victim Services Worker provides support, justice-related information, referrals to community organizations, and practical assistance to survivors. Services are available to survivors whether or not you choose to report to the police. Providing updates about your case from the RCMP and the court system are available. Understanding your rights and the court system can be confusing, but assistance can be available. Accompaniment to appointments with RCMP, court system, medical services, and court can also be helpful at times. The vital thing to know is that our support includes suggesting options; however, it’s your choice.
Community-Based Victim Services is a free and confidential service. It is an open referral, which means you can request support or be referred by organizations such as the RCMP, medical staff, a friend, or a transition house support worker.
Call 250.627.7166 for more information. [email protected]
The Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General funds this service.